J. R. Dickens

Visiting Professor of Apologetics


J. R. Dickens
Dr. Dickens is a member of the PCA and has a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering. He has taught extensively from the book of Genesis (2009-2012), including a series of lectures on Genesis doctrines (2021) and a lengthy series on Creation apologetics (2006). He has also taught a forty-part series on the Westminster Confession of Faith and recently taught a course for New Geneva on the Apologetics of Francis Schaeffer. Dr. Dickens has served as the seminary librarian since August 2021 and has enjoyed the challenge of reorganizing and updating the collection to make it the best resource for Reformed teaching in Colorado Springs. His publications include Coffee Talk (2019-2020) and Theses for Recovering Ecclesiastical Authority: A Sober Warning to the American Church (2021).

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