Master of Divinity
The Master of Divinity is a comprehensive, professional program of study designed to prepare individuals for pastoral and other gospel ministries. Built on a strong biblical and theological foundation that includes the study of the original Hebrew and Greek languages of the Bible, it balances academic excellence with practical, on-the-job training. To facilitate this total development, students pursuing the degree are encouraged to be involved regularly in a local church under the oversight of that church’s governing board. Within the local church context, students are urged to be exposed to and involved in a wide range of ministry opportunities. The program requires the completion of fifty courses (100 units).
Credit Hours: 100
Required Courses
CH 501 Overview of Church History I
CH 502 Overview of Church History II
CH 505 American Church History
ME 504 Introduction to Missions
NT 501 New Testament Survey I
NT 502 New Testament Survey II
NT 503 New Testament Survey III
NT 504A Introduction to Greek I
NT 504B Introduction to Greek II
NT 504C Introduction to Greek III
NT 505 New Testament Exegesis I
NT 506 New Testament Exegesis II
NT 507 New Testament Biblical Theology
NT 508 Biblical Hermeneutics
NT 509 Life of Christ
NT 510 Romans
OT 501 Old Testament Survey I
OT 502 Old Testament Survey II
OT 503 Old Testament Survey III
OT 504A Introduction to Hebrew I
OT 504B Introduction to Hebrew II
OT 504C Introduction to Hebrew III
OT 505 Old Testament Exegesis I
OT 506 Old Testament Exegesis II
OT 507 Old Testament Biblical Theology
PT 501A Pastoral Counseling I
PT 501B Pastoral Counseling II
PT 502A Homiletics I
PT 502B Homiletics II
PT 503A Leadership I
PT 503B Leadership II
PT 504A Church Development I
PT 504B Church Development II
PT 507 Worship
PT 511 Pastoral Theology
RS 503 The Christian World View I
RS 504 The Christian World View II
RS 541 Reformed Perspectives on Christ and Culture
ST 501 Introduction to Reformed Theology
ST 502 Systematic and Historical Theology I: Revelation and Inspiration
ST 503 Systematic and Historical Theology II: God
ST 504 Systematic and Historical Theology III: Man
ST 505 Systematic and Historical Theology IV: Person and Work of Christ
ST 506 Systematic and Historical Theology V: Person and Work of the Holy Spirit
ST 507 Systematic and Historic Theology VI: The Church and Last Things
ST 508 Comparative Evangelical Theologies
ST 509 Social Ethics
ST 510 History of Philosophy and Logic
ST 513 History of Apologetics
ST 514 Contemporary Apologetic Systems
Elective Courses
No electives for this degree program