At New Geneva Theological Seminary, we equip future leaders with the skills, knowledge, and values necessary to transform their communities through ministry. Explore our site to learn about our diverse range of courses and degrees, as well as our flexible online and live course options.
Live Spring Courses Starting Soon!
Centennial, CO: NT 502 The Epistles of Paul, Feb 4-May 6; Tues., 6-8 p.m., Dr. House
Colorado Springs, CO: NT 504A Introduction to Greek A, Feb 6-May 8, Thurs., 6-8 p.m., Dr. House
Fredericksburg, VA: ST 502 Doctrine of Revelation & Inspiration, Feb 3-May 5, Mon, 6-8 p.m., Rev. Rumbaugh
Auditors and online students welcome. To register, email register@newgeneva.org
Peace Reformed Church (RCUS)
in Napoleon, OH is currently looking for pastors or students to supply their pulpit. They will reimburse all travel expenses and pay an honorarium of 300 dollars. If interested, contact Jason Demland at 419-438-5867.
Winter Course on Biblical Principles for Ministry
In today’s church it’s especially important that God’s servants understand how to implement a biblically based, grace-empowered, and mission-driven approach to ministry. This course is designed to help you assess your church’s current ministry, understand the biblical principles that impact ministry, and skillfully apply these principles in your own ministry situation. The intensive course will be taught by Dr. Dominic Aquila, President of New Geneva Seminary, and classes will meet at our Virginia Teaching Center on January 16-17, 6:00 -9:00 pm, March 13, 6:00 – 9:00 pm, March 13-14, 6:00 – 9:00 pm, and March 15, 2025: 9:00 am -3:00 pm. Attend in person or by Zoom. Auditors welcome! To register, email registrar@newgeneva.org.
Christ Covenant OPC (https://www.cc-opc.org/), a small congregation located in Sheridan, Indiana, is seeking dedicated, passionate, and experienced pastor to lead our congregation in spiritual growth and service. For more information, contact Deacon Bob Roaten, bob@roaten.org.
Faith United Church, an Evangelical Presbyterian Church located in Brandon, South Dakota, is seeking a Director of Youth Ministries. Interested candidates can contact us at 541-224-4851 or apply at https://baughergroup.com/faith_united_church_director_of_youth_ministries/
The Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Church in Toronto
The Indonesian Reformed Evangelical Church in Toronto, an Indonesian ethnic Reformed congregation in Ontario that subscribes to the Three Forms of Unity and Westminster Standards, is seeking a pastor for their English congregation of 50-60 individuals. If interested, contact Agus Sadewa at pastorsearch@irect.org.​​​​
Pastoral Position--New Mexico
Redeemer Christian Fellowship in Roswell, NM, is seeking a pastor. We are a church of about 40 to 50 attendees with a strong Reformed view of preaching and teaching. We were originally a PCA church but are now an independent reformed church. For more information, contact William Dawe, Elder, dawew@aol.com, tel. 575-910-4855.
[Added: 2/23/2024]
Pastoral Position--South Dakota
Zion Community Church of Wilmot, South Dakota, a non-denominational, conservative church, is seeking a pastor.
For more information, please see https://www.zionccwilmot.com/leadership-1
[Added: 2/23/2024]​
Pastoral Internship Opportunity
New City Fellowship (PCA) of Fredericksburg, Virginia (NewCityFellowship.org) will be offering pastoral internships for students wanting to gain practical experience in ministry. If you’re interested, contact Jim Womer, Director of Discipleship & Community, at 540-847-8559.
[Added: 2/13/2024]