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About New Geneva Theological Seminary

Equipping Servant Leaders for a Lifetime of Ministry


The vision of New Geneva Theological Seminary is to be a transformational, life-giving educational ministry based upon the truth of God’s Word and for His glory alone, reaching around the world. Our purpose is:

  1. to exemplify Christ in all of our work and relationships and to strive to walk blamelessly before God and men.

  2. to faithfully serve the Lord Jesus Christ and to uphold the inerrancy of God’s Word.


Our vision comes from and is based upon the following core values:

  • Life comes from knowing Christ, and therefore Christ must be at the center of our lives and spiritual disciplines;

  • Life in Christ is related to the truth of God’s Word, and God’s Word stands over against the relativism and secularism of this age which produce misery and death;

  • Training in God’s Word, through the biblical, theological and apologetic disciplines, is essential for the development of Christian character, commitment, and competence in ministry.

  • The biblical training offered must be wedded to the mission of Christ’s Church, which is the Great Commission.

  • The Great Commission is advanced through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit as students are equipped to proclaim the gospel and to multiply and revitalize churches.

  • The proclamation of the gospel and the multiplying of evangelical congregations nationally and internationally will lead toward the end that the earth will be filled with the glory of the Lord.


Our theological stance is rooted in the Bible to be the inerrant Word of God, the only infallible rule of faith and practice. Our faculty and board hold to the Reformed understanding of the Scriptures and sincerely and wholeheartedly believe the Westminster Confession of Faith and Catechisms to contain the system of doctrine taught in the Word of God. These men and women have covenanted together to affirm the vision of New Geneva and to educate students in accord with it. Other committed evangelical Christians who have special gifts and abilities that will benefit New Geneva students are invited as visiting lecturers. Their evangelical faith is evidenced by their commitment to the ecumenical creeds of the early church (e.g., the Apostles’ Creed, the Nicene Creed) and to contemporary evangelical statements such as those of the National Association of Evangelicals.



Teaching Centers

New Geneva has three teaching centers, the original campus in Colorado Springs, Colorado, and extension campuses in Denver, Colorado and Fredericksburg, Virginia.


New Geneva Theological Seminary is a religious institution exempt from state regulation and oversight in the Commonwealth of Virginia.



Colorado Springs

P.O. Box 10067

Colorado Springs, CO 80932





251 E. Sterne Blvd.

Centennial, CO 80122





11925 Burgess Lane

Fredericksburg, VA 22407






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